The most common crimes against intellectual property are usually the counterfeiting of trademarks and piracy of works protected by copyright.

Punishable conducts in Law No. 19,039 on Industrial Property related to commercial trademarks, geographical indications, and appellations of origin

1.1 Penalties related to commercial trademarks

Conduct Article Penalty
Anyone who with ill intent and for commercial purposes, uses a mark identical or similar to another already registered for the same products or services or establishments, or in relation to products, services or establishments related to those covered by the registered mark, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 19bis E. 28 a) 25 - 1.000 UTM fine
Anyone who, for commercial purposes, uses an unregistered, lapsed or invalidated mark in a manner indicating that it is a registered mark or imitating a registered mark. 28 b) 25 - 1.000 UTM fine
Anyone who, for commercial purposes, uses containers or packaging bearing a registered mark, without the right to use that mark, without having first previously erased it, except where the packaging so marked is intended to contain products of a type different from that protected by the mark. 28 c) 25 - 1.000 UTM fine


1.2 Punishable conducts related to geographical indications and appellations of origin

Conduct Article Penalty
Any person who with ill intent designates a product of the same type as those protected by a registered geographical indication or appellation of origin without the right to do so. 105 c) 25 - 1.000 UTM fine
Any person who uses, for commercial purposes, the indications corresponding to a geographical indication or appellation of origin that is not registered, has lapsed or has been invalidated or that simulates them. 105 b) 25 - 1.000 UTM fine
Any person who makes use, for commercial purposes, of containers or packages that bear a registered geographical indication or appellation of origin without the right to use it and without having it previously erased, unless the marked package is intended to contain different goods unrelated to those protected by the geographical indication or appellation of origin. 105 c) 25 - 1.000 UTM fine


1.3 Punishable conducts in Law No. 18.455 related to counterfeit alcoholic products and appellations of origin

Conduct Article Penalty
Any person who produces o sells counterfeit products that are not toxic or harmful. 45 1) 1 - 150 UTM fine
Any person who uses appellations of origin in violation of the provisions of Articles 27, final subparagraph, 28, and 30. 45 3) 1 - 150 UTM fine