Spreading Industrial Property is a public platform for the spread of industrial property and knowledge transfer developed by the National Institute of Industrial Property, intended to generate opportunities for entrepreneurship, innovation, and creation through the use and management of industrial property.

Spreading Industrial Property is a community centered around industrial property and an environment for the interchange of knowledge, made up of tools that can be used to learn, use, and transfer industrial property.

The platform provides access, free of charge, to resources such as an intangible asset explorer and public domain technology briefings. It also allows the user to review the experience of national innovators regarding the protection of intellectual property and technology transfer. The online courses also allow you to learn about the importance and benefits of industrial property in connection with your area.

Spreading Industrial Property is intended to improve knowledge and practices regarding industrial property, to strengthen the capacity for research, development, and innovation regarding industrial property knowledge and universal technological information, to contribute to economic development through the spread of universal technological information as a means to drive innovation, and to strengthen innovation policies through the positioning of industrial property.

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